Zombies in Oz
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Any collection of twenty-first century English or American Zombie poetry must strive, within the confines of one slim volume, to be representative merely. Where the subject of choice is so wlatsome what is presented must depend finally and ultimately upon a certain oligophrenial whim, guided by a quisquilian sense of humor. No two persons perusing with studious eye these pages will agree upon these selections, if they be mere fandangle or genuine literary lucubrations of serious merit. We should all agree, however, that such a person reading here with serious intent deserves vapulation.
Serious reader, you have been warned! However, those of you who are "guided by a quisquileian sense of humor" will find herein both much to muse upon and many an amusing turn of phrase with which to while away the hours.
These poems are funny, sad, thought-provoking. They illuminate equally the inner natures of both mankind and zombie kind. And, in the words of the "present poet" himself, there is much here of "...true and lasting any reader will see...if they only have a...braaaaiiiiinnnnns!”"